Sunday, February 9, 2014

It Looks Like a Picture

I had dental surgery this past week, which took a greaert toll on my free time than I had originally planned, therefore I didn't make much progress on the quilt. 

As always,  looking at my options before deciding on which material to use for the border.

I hope to get most of it quilted this week and add the details.

The rivers and waterfalls are spectacular at Yellowstone.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Choosing the Material

The great thing about Maryland weather is that we always have a reprieve and we definitely got one this weekend with temperatures in the high forties on Saturday.  But, they are calling for more winter weather again tonight.  My sister, who lives in Nome,  and I have been bantering about the weather for the last two weeks.  When it is unusually cold down here, it is warm up there.  While we were cold and miserable, she was loving life up there.

Going from the pattern to choosing colors is always a challenge for me.  When first trying to select the material, I try to think outside of the box to broaden the spectrum.  Sometimes it's a fit; sometimes, it's a disaster.







 The camera flash did the colors a injustice.
Finding the buffalo in the middle of the road holding up traffic was definitely a sight to see on our way out of Yellowstone.

Grand Tetons....beautiful