Sunday, January 21, 2018


Trivia:  Did you know there is a  carved ivory figure of Pharaoh (dating 3400 BC) wearing a quilted garment?

In taking my online class, Pets with Personality, I have learned a new way in thinking about patterns. Instead of tracing the pattern onto tissue paper, Marilyn Lee is having us place sheer fabric over the picture that has been posterized and outlined.  Then cut out different shapes of the fabric to cover the area.  This is very similar to how I did the trees in the background on of my nephew and his wife.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


It is a bloody heat wave wee have going on outside, 53 degrees!  The sun feels good on the face.  We just have February and March to get through then we are on the homestretch to warm weather.

Finn is finished in my opinion, but and the big but is he is going in the pile of "Oh, well better luck next time.  The overall composition and the piecing of Finn use doesn't sit well with me.  I think I will practice thread painting  on him; at least I will get some use out of the wall hanging.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

So Much to Do, So Little Time

After spending so many months doing so little, now I find myself with a list longer than I know what to do with.  I am happy to have gotten back into the groove.  I am taking a class through the Academy of Quilting with Marilyn Lee, Pets with Personality.  It has a great teaching and learning platform.

I have worked on my current wallhanging and the work I need to get accomplished for the class.  I enjoy being busy, again.

This week I worked relentlessly to finish the trees in the background.  When I first hung it up, I noticed some flaws in the movement of the lighter leaves, especially when I converted the picture into black and white.

It sat on the design wall and I took it apart and replaced the pieces several times.

I cropped the picture so I could get a better feel for it.  I think we have a go, at least for now.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Happy New Year

2017, ended on a low note: another car accident (this time with a deer), we are waiting to hear if it totaled.  We heard about the car, not totaled, nine thousand dollars in damage and twelve weeks before we get it back.  The car has to be rewired and programed.  With all that, we are sure we will have problems in the future, we're thinking about buying a new car.  It brought back some very troubling memories and feelings from our fist accident.  I was told this was a normal part of PTSS.  The high note is we walked away from the scene on our own merit.

My resolution is to make up for all the time I did not quilt last year.  I am currently formulating two ideas, making more progress on one.  While Finn has settled on a spot on my design board, I am working on a new wall hanging.  It feels good to create again.  This is one of the engagement pictures of my nephew and now wife taken by photographer Carly Fuller.  She took wonderful pictures of their engagement and of the wedding.  I want to thank her for giving me permission use one of her photographs.  Visit her facebook page: carlyfullerphotography.

 Most quilt artists are using the confetti method to make their trees.  I prefer to cut out the individual pieces.  I know, I'm crazy.  I have spent several hours cutting out and placing the little pieces.