Thursday, December 31, 2015

Under the Red Hat

  Tonight, we will have our granddaughter for New Year's Eve.  It will be a very happy one indeed for us.  Nothing makes our lives more complete than spending time with our little one.

Speaking of little ones, my newest project is of a little one (not mine), wearing a big red hat, sitting in a small pool on a hot day.

I was busy last night making the pattern in Photoshop.

I think I have captured the major details.

It is printed and ready for tracing.

Traced and pattern is made.

It is difficult to see, but it has been traced onto the muslin. 

Ready to begin selecting fabric.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Back Again

Back again, from a long hiatus from blogging, but not from sewing and quilting.  During my time away from sharing my adventure I took an online portrait class from Marilyn Belford through the Academy of Quilting.  The price of the classes  are very reasonable and you receive constructive feedback on your work.  I did not finish my portrait due to personal conflicts in my schedule here at home and work.  I plan to sign up for the class again in March.  This is not one of those classes you buy and have access to it forever.  It is an actual interactive classroom format with weekly lectures and assignments.

Here is my finished project that I was blogging about before I disappeared from the blogging scene.