Saturday, December 20, 2014

Unconditional Love

 Again, I want to thank Rebecca Ebersole of  Snapdragon Photography for giving me permission to use her photograph.  It was her fine work that gave me the inspiration to make this wall-hanging.

  .   This was my first attempt at doing faces.  I decided to paint in the details because I didn't have the confidence to use material or to do thread painting.  Also, I painted some highlights on the material used for the skin because I had a difficult time finding material I wanted to use.  Unfortunately, when I get a paint brush in my hand it is difficult to stop, so I ended up painting a few details on the blue shirt and on the jumper.

Almost Finished

Christmas is right around the corner.  One can feel the excitement in the air, especially with young children.  I have invited my young nieces to come and spend the night on December 23rd to make gingerbread houses.  It will be fun to have them in the house so close to Santa's big arrival.

I decided to do the stitching in the background in tight rows and uniform so as not to detract from the figures.  I also wanted the figures to pop and look three dimensional from the puffiness of the material. 
Of course, time was found to make my "Little One" a dress for Christmas.  I used the same pattern I had used for my daughter thirty some years ago.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Painting the Finer Details

Everyday I feel stronger and working on my wall-hanging is a great way to relax and get better.

I debated whether to use thread or paint to put in the finer details.  As you can see, paint won.  I also wrestled with acrylic vs. watercolor.  Acrylic is more stable, watercolors I have a higher comfort level.  Watercolors won.  I plan to take a course in painting with acrylics because it has been years since I have touched them. The eyebrows and eyelashes are really bothering me.  I think they are too thick and dark.  They  look almost comical.  I will try to fix that problem this week.

The last couple of weeks I had to keep my hands busy even though I was afraid to touch my quilting due to the medications.  I made 15 folded star ornaments to give as presents this year.  All the cutting, pressing, and folding  reminded me why I don't do patch work quilting.   It is also a reminder as to why I hold a lot of respect for those who do.  Critically looking at my work on the ornaments confirmed my decision not to work on my quilt.  They look nice, but they are a reminder why you shouldn't do intricate work after a major physical/emotional trauma and while on pain or muscle relaxer medications.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Finally, Doing What I Love

Finally, a couple of days ago, I  felt confident enough to work on my wall-hanging.  It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders.  There is nothing worse than to make a conscious decision not to do what you love.  But the bright side is, I was able to make that choice, and not have it imposed upon me.

I don't know why, maybe it is a result of the accident, I wanted a bright, non-defined background, and..... I like it.

A week before my accident,  mom and I  went on a drive and ended up in Cunningham Falls State Park Beach. In the summer, it is nearly impossible to get in unless you are up with the sun.