Saturday, April 5, 2014

Quilted, Finally

 This week, I was able to carve some time out of my busy week and quilt my wall-hanging.   With the coming of spring, my schedule seems to have become more and more busy.  My Saturday morning now starts at 7:30 AM setting out in the car with my mother to comb the area for yard sales and the treasures they may hold.  Our annual trip to Oklahoma is quickly approaching.  Mom and I will take off soon in her SUV for the open road to discover new sights and revisit familiar ones.  Why do we drive and not fly?  I will share pictures from our trip of what we would miss, if we choose to fly.  My husband hates the long drive, so he elects to stay home (I think he enjoys the peace and quiet).

Quilted and really for binding 

 Close up of the leaves and grapes

Here are some pictures of our friends farm and the very beginning of their vineyard.

The field has been fenced in, plowed, and ready for the grape vines.  The fence is to keep the deer from feeding on the plants.

They hope to rebuild the barn and turn it into an events' venue.

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