Monday, May 28, 2012

Lucy is Merging

Happy Memorial Day!  This is a day I reflect on the present and past family members who serve/served our country.  This is their day!

Sorry for the late posting.  I went out of town this weekend and thought I would get the post up Sunday, but obviously that didn’t happen. We went with friends and family to Lake Anna.  I had fun boating, swimming and reading the Hunger Games.  It is a very easy reading book, but hard to put down.  I spent most of Sunday reading it.

Even with all the paperwork I needed to get done at night, time was found to work on Lucy this week. 

After I made the pattern, I prepared the background material by tracing the outline of Lucy onto it.  I like to use  Saral tracing paper because it comes in different shades and it is easy to erase.  First, I tape the traced outline onto the material.  Then I slip the Saral tracing paper under it and trace away.  This time I got a little zealous and traced not only the outline of Lucy but most of the shapes in the pattern. 

I find tracing the outline helps with the placement of the shapes.

I worked on her body first because it contained larger shapes and it was less complicated than her head.  When fusing the material to the fuisble web, I wear good tennis shoes because I spend many hours standing at the ironing board.   Also, I only lightly iron the pieces down to the background material until it is completely done.  There are many times that I do not like the way the colors in the body are flowing and I may have replace a color choice.  Many times I have the TV  on as a distraction and I just work away until I call it quits for the night.  This week  I plan to complete the rest of her.  Only two weeks of school left, but who is counting?

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