Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Finally Finished

I hope everyone had a restful, yet fantastic Christmas.  I know my family had a very enjoyable time spending time together and celebrating.  We had a dusting of snow Christmas Eve which helped to create a very festive atmosphere.

Time was found this past week to choose and attach the binding.
Coneflower- "A right of passage?"
Looking at the wallhanging with a critical eye: the stems on the flowers blend in with the background too much - a lighter or brighter material probably would have been better. Also, I wish I had used a thread or threads for the background that had been more of a contrast to see the stiching better. Especially, since I spend so much stitching fern plants and other leaves to make it look more like a garden in the background. Lastly, I need to practice making swirls and curves to get a cleaner stitch.


More pictures from Nome, Alaska.  Those are tall green shrubs, not trees.  The ground is too frozen for trees to grow roots.



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