Sunday, March 31, 2013

Beginning to Quilt

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!   Enjoy getting together with family and friends plus celebrating the meaning of today.  Don't eat too much candy. 

To aide in stitching a design on the sweater, I decided to draw the design using a quilter's pencil.  I don't have the confidence to do it totally free hand.  Hopefully, that will come with time.  Now, I just need to get up the nerve to tackle stitching the small circles.

I used a black watercolor pencil to add shading below and to the right of the feet.  I am not sure if it is dark enough.  I am getting up the nerve to stitch the sweater.

Next, I decided to stitch the pumpkins and the blond hair on the little girl.  I tried making her hair from material, but that didn't work out.  Still trying to get up the nerve to do the little circles on the sweater.

Finally, I stitched the sweater.  Doing the little circles wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.
Here is a close up of the pumpkins.  I used a chalk pencil to draw the lines first. My confidence is just not there yet to do it freehand.

Pa and Ma Ingalls made their final home in DeSmet.

It was exciting to sit on the steps on the front of the house.
This is the church bell Pa helped to buy


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